At Acer, innovation and creativity come together in an atmosphere that encourages individuality, freedom, and autonomy.

Our working environment prioritizes the importance of a work-life balance, and the physical and mental health of our employees.

Compensation System

We offer year-end 13th Salary,and distribute quarterly bonuses based on the company's profit and individual's performance,reward employees with excellent performance.

Attendance Management

We offer flexible and self-managed working hours for sales.

Our annual leave exceeds the requirements of Labor Legal.

Learning and Development

New employees are assigned mentors who provide guidance,and arrange On the Job Training ,support for their work adaptation.

We conduct regular training courses for new employees, as well as managerial and leadership development programs for employees at different levels, including grassroots, middle and high-level managers. We also offer general education and professional courses.

Compensation System

We offer year-end 13th Salary,and distribute quarterly bonuses based on the company's profit and individual's performance,reward employees with excellent performance.

Attendance Management

We offer flexible and self-managed working hours for sales.

Our annual leave exceeds the requirements of Labor Legal.

Learning and Development

New employees are assigned mentors who provide guidance,and arrange On the Job Training ,support for their work adaptation.

We conduct regular training courses for new employees, as well as managerial and leadership development programs for employees at different levels, including grassroots, middle and high-level managers. We also offer general education and professional courses.

  • Acer Baby-員工育兒協助方案:即將分娩或育有幼兒的女性同仁得申請遠距上班。


  • 活潑且激發創意的辦公空間。


  • Acer Family Day、藝文展覽活動、社團活動、午間講座、運動競賽…等,各類型活動豐富了宏碁人的生活也增進同仁的身心健康。