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【2024 Summer Intern 008】_Product Management Intern 產品管理開發實習生_Solution and SW PM Div.


宏碁屹立市場超過40年,是一個國際化的自有品牌公司,全球員工超過8,000名,營運遍及世界超過160個國家,在台灣設有研發中心,且在泛歐、泛美和泛亞均設有區域性的營運總部。我們歡迎有著改變世界熱情的你/妳加入宏碁,一同寫下屬於我們的故事 : )

[Acer 2024 Summer Intern – Become a Part of Our Story]

1. Strategic Planning: During the internship, learn and actively participate in formulating strategic plans for the gaming community platform, contributing to the overall platform development.
2. User Requirements Planning: Understand user needs, actively engage in planning and improving user experiences, ensuring that the product aligns with player expectations.
3. Product Performance Optimization: Through data analysis, participate in optimizing product performance, enhancing the efficiency of the platform.

1. Learning Opportunities: In the rapidly growing gaming industry, interns will have the opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience in product management.
2. Involvement in AI Technology: Contribute to the development of AI technology, introducing more intelligent and personalized gaming experiences to the platform.
3. Dynamic Environment: Join a vibrant, entrepreneurial internship team, collaborating with colleagues to explore various possibilities within the gaming industry.



1. Education: Currently enrolled in a university program
2. Skills: Familiar with Microsoft Office

1. Likes to play games, passionate about the gaming industry.
2. Has been involved in research or reports related to the gaming industry.
3. Has experience in product development and understands the product development process.
4. Familiar with user interview methods and can derive product optimization insights from them.

● 報名期間:即日起 – 2024/03/31
● 甄選期間:2024/04 – 2024/05
● 實習時間:2024/07/01 - 2024/08/30
● 宣傳影片:https://reurl.cc/aLqbzX
● 其它:
1. HR會依照個人專長與技能,將履歷轉寄給合適的單位及單位主管。
2. 通過第一關書面審核者, HR會再寄發E-mail通知面試時間與地點。

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